
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Story of the Blue Carpet

When we first moved into our home our family room looked like this. This was 5 years ago. This was before girls got married and a baby was born. This was when my son was shorter then me. sigh...

This is my picture taking daughter before she took pictures and thought maybe she would take up dance. My other daughter in blue agreeing and my other daughter sitting in the window and my sister thinking that maybe it's not such a good idea.

My nieces joining in the fun.

Then we did this to the family room. Red!!! Now the plan was that we were going to rip out the blue carpet and put in something more neutral soon after we painted and because the blue was not my favourite. Not that I don't like blue, it just wasn't what I wanted.

(This picture the walls look orange)

But as the years went by the blue carpet stayed and stayed and stayed. This past summer I asked my husband (who in a former life laid carpet for a living) what was the condition of this blue carpet. His reply was it was in really good shape. Not what I wanted to hear. So I hung my head and in defeat I knew the blue carpet would stay. I couldn't justify a perfectly good, not to mention large piece of carpet going to the landfill. I would have to work around the blue.

So now it looks like this

Ok. I'm pretty proud of this box cushion I made, complete with piping. Its much nicer then sitting on the cold cement.

Well I generally like my room altogether and I don't even notice the blue carpet anymore. Yippee!!
Now I can bring on the Christmas decorations!!

And five years later this is what we've added on. Two new boys and one sweet little girl! How time flies.

Oh and by the way my picture taking daughter is away for a few days so once again you had to suffer through my lack of picture taking knowledge, but I promise I will learn.

1 comment:

  1. love the new look to the room and love the way to tell the story :)
